Preventative Medicine
Did you know your energy field can tell you what’s going on at a cellular and even a genetic level that isn’t allowing you to express optimal health or health in the way you want to be expressing it?
Don’t worry if you didn’t know this, most people don’t know that I can read the energy of your energetic field to figure out what is going on in your system.
Your energy field is an extension of your Nervous System.
It reads and responds to the environment. You are a walking antenna picking up on all of the information around you and your cells are responding to it.
Dogs intuitively and instinctively use their energy field. A dog will bark with nobody in site, and all of a sudden someone walks around a corner and you realize that was why the dog was barking. We have the same ability, but we aren’t consciously aware of it because
We may not have been told about it
When we were little someone may have told us that what we were feeling and sensing wasn’t real or wasn’t true so we shut that part of ourselves off.
Our health isn’t optimal so our abilities to do so aren’t where they could be
Our emotions and feelings are distorting our feeds
You can play this game with kids where you have them close their eyes and you start to walk towards them and you simply ask tell me when you sense me in your field aka tell me when am I in your bubble.
What I do is I use test kits with different energy signatures in it to figure out what’s going on in your body and give you a protocol specific to you and your bodies needs to help you get back to optimal health.
I read the energy in your field and I would hope to read it before it’s manifested in the physical body. This is where I’ll ask you questions around what has shown up and you may not even before aware of the issues going on because we read the energy before it manifested in the physical.
However, MOST of the time the energy has already manifested in the physical body when you first come in to see me which is why you are seeing me. This is where “signs & symptoms” come into play and that is what we want to change.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed it is only transformed and transmuted. So what I am doing is transmitting the “icky”, “bad”, “negative” energies in your field and transforming them into something better.
I transform the energies through energy clearings, homeopathic remedies, and flower essences. When you give the body what it wants to heal the quote on quote problem energies from the test kit that resonated with your body at the start of the treatment sessions will no longer attract when you hold the solution energies that handle it (homeopathic remedies, herbs, and flower essences).