Meet Dr. Elizabeth

Dr. Elizabeth spent the last 8 years building a practice in Minnesota. One year ago she spoke at the FlowerLounge Tour in Phoenix, AZ and when she landed she knew she was finally home. One year later, she is now full time in the desert building another practice.

She graduated Salutatorian from her chiropractic class at Life University in Marietta, GA in March of 2015.  She utilizes the principles of the healing arts from Chiropractic while specializing in working with the energetic body.   She practices and teaches through the powerful philosophy that the body knows all the answers as long as you ask the right questions.  She recognizes the body’s innate intelligence and assists in its innateness by supporting both your physical and emotional bodies with flower essences, homeopathy, and/or herbs.

She’s a chiropractor by trade, but she is best known for her intuitive energy healing.  She has spent the last 8 years in practice understanding the mind body spirit connection.   She is currently getting her Masters in Psychosomatic Medicine using Holographic Manipulation Therapy (HMT™) with outstanding results.  She is a certified practitioner in Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT), Mind Body Spirit Release (MBSR™) Level 3 and Theta Healing™.

She is a heart-centered intuitive healer who meets you right where you are on your healing journey.  She empowers you with knowledge to live your best life.  She lets her intuition guide her as to what direction she needs to take to help your body heal at a cellular level.   She combines the energy field work with emotional clearings, belief work, and body feeling deletions for you to have profound healings. 

She is a true gift to this world and you will leave feeling lighter simply by being in her energy field.

She co-founded and co-owned her practice back in Minnesota where she also created a signature 8 week online course (Level Up Vibrate Out) to reach and serve a larger audience.